
Hoida kesämökin paloturvallisuus kuntoon
Kesällä suuri osa suomalaisista suuntaa hellettä pakoon mökille. Kesämökeillä viihdytään useimmiten muutamasta viikonlopusta muutamaan kuukauteen, ja lopun ajan vuodesta ne ovat tyhjillään. Silti, ja nimenomaan siitä syystä, mökin paloturvallisuuteen kannattaa...
Hoida kesämökin paloturvallisuus kuntoon
Kesällä suuri osa suomalaisista suuntaa hellettä pakoon mökille. Kesämökeillä viihdytään useimmiten muutamasta viikonlopusta muutamaan kuukauteen, ja lopun ajan vuodesta ne ovat tyhjillään. Silti, ja nimenomaan siitä syystä, mökin paloturvallisuuteen kannattaa...

Why is your smoke alarm beeping randomly
Why is your smoke alarm beeping randomly? How and when to change the batteries on your smoke alarm? Keep reading to see our answers to the most frequently asked questions...
Why is your smoke alarm beeping randomly
Why is your smoke alarm beeping randomly? How and when to change the batteries on your smoke alarm? Keep reading to see our answers to the most frequently asked questions...

How to increase the fire safety of your home?
Are you looking to increase your home’s fire safety? In most cases, house fires are ignited as a result of negligence. Faulty electrical appliances, forgotten stove or oven and an...
How to increase the fire safety of your home?
Are you looking to increase your home’s fire safety? In most cases, house fires are ignited as a result of negligence. Faulty electrical appliances, forgotten stove or oven and an...

Installing and maintaining smoke alarms
Taking care of your property’s fire safety should be one of the top priorities of a homeowner. Perhaps you’ve already done your research and purchased smoke alarms for your home...
Installing and maintaining smoke alarms
Taking care of your property’s fire safety should be one of the top priorities of a homeowner. Perhaps you’ve already done your research and purchased smoke alarms for your home...

Fire Safety in European Countries
Properly installed smoke detectors save lives, and that may be the main reason why smoke detectors are mandatory at residential housing in many European countries. Today in Europe smoke detectors...
Fire Safety in European Countries
Properly installed smoke detectors save lives, and that may be the main reason why smoke detectors are mandatory at residential housing in many European countries. Today in Europe smoke detectors...

What kind of smoke alarm should you buy?
What kind of smoke alarm should you buy? Due to smoke detectors becoming mandatory in the Netherlands in 2022, there is many things you should take into consideration. Good news...
What kind of smoke alarm should you buy?
What kind of smoke alarm should you buy? Due to smoke detectors becoming mandatory in the Netherlands in 2022, there is many things you should take into consideration. Good news...